Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Look Back

Well, it's that time again when we all decide to wake up tomorrow morning and be totally different people than we were today.  Many people already have their resolutions in mind.  I haven't actually made mine yet, but I've been giving them a lot of thought.  I thought that before I made any new ones, I'd take a quick look back at some that I made last year, and see how well I kept them!
As a lover of lists and planning, as well as cute paper and pens, I decided to keep a running list of my plans and goals all year long.  I bought a super cute little notebook that I used as a little journal, place to jot ideas, keep track of weight loss, books I'd read, things I needed to organize and so forth.  I made a master list at the beginning of the year, and a smaller one each month.  This method really seemed to work for me.  Some of my goals are really broad, but I did that on purpose so that I could break them down monthly.  Here's a list of some of my 2014 Resolutions and how I did.

1. Read through the Bible.
This is probably the goal I'm the most proud of reaching.  My husband and I did it together, which has been a goal of ours for several years.  It's not always easy to find the time, but I'm so glad we did!  It had definitely been a blessing to us.  We plan to start again tomorrow and do it next year, too!

2. Lose 50 pounds. 
Sigh.  It pains me to admit that I did not lose all of the weight that I wanted to this year.  But, I am proud of the fact that I lost all of my pregnancy weight!  I gained about 60 pounds while pregnant with Jaxon, and even after the water weight was gone, I still needed to lose about 35 pounds.  Through Weight Watchers and exercise I did manage to lose that weight, but my goal was to weigh less than I did pre-pregnancy.  Even though I didn't reach this goal, I'm very proud of myself for losing 35 pounds this year! 

3. Sew more.
I definitely reached this goal this year!  I have found a true love for sewing and creating, and I have big plans to turn this hobby into something more in 2015!

4. Read 100 books.
I've always known that I read a lot, but I didn't really know how much I read.  So I set a goal this year on Goodreads to read 100 books this year.  I actually accomplished that goal in October!  I've continued to read since then, of course, and my final total for the year is 110 books read!

5. Learn to make a budget and keep it.
I always decide to make a budget, but it rarely seems to work out for me.  My lofty budget goals last year were thwarted when Billy's hours got cut at work, and he was threatened with a layoff.  We spent most of the year putting every spare dime into our savings account to cover us just in case.  Thank the Lord for stepping in at the last minute and saving not only Billy's job, but the jobs of at least 300 other men a the mines!  I'll have to try this one again next year!

6. Eat healthier and exercise.
These were two separate goals of mine last year, but I never really accomplished either one.  I did start out the year exercising 4-5 times a week, and I felt really great, but I ended up giving it up.  Even though I lost weight this year, I didn't really learn much about eating healthy--but that's going to change this year, too!

These are just a few of my 2014 Resolutions.  Looking back I can see that I did accomplish some of the things I wanted, and others I need to work on again this year.  But that's the excitement of a new year.  It's a new beginning and a time to make big changes.  I'm excited to write down my goal for 2015 and then do everything I can to accomplish them!  Over the next week or so I'll make my list, and I'll share it here, along with some ideas for making your own master list, as well as monthly ones.  I also have some exciting news to share about some new adventures I'm setting out on.  I can't wait to start!!

Do you make New Years' Resolutions?  I'd love to hear what they are, and if you have any tips for keeping them!

Looking forward to a great 2015,

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