Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year, New Goals

Last week I promised a post about my new goals and plans for 2015.  I haven't forgotten about it, I've just been really slow about getting there.  Maybe my first goal should be to stop procrastinating.  I've also been waiting (on pins and needles) for my Plum Paper Planner to arrive, and it came yesterday!  I've been wanting one of these puppies for a long time, and decided with all the new things I'm planning this year, there was no better time to get one.  I think it will really help me stay on top of things.  I'm planning a post/review about it in a few days, so stay tuned.  For now, I want to list some of the goals that I've set for myself this year, and also reveal the big changes I hinted about in December.  First, let me say that I prefer to call these "goals" rather than resolutions.  Resolutions sound so set in stone, but sometimes goals change as we grow and change.  I'm not a very flexible person in many cases, but sometimes I see goals that I had set in the past, and realize they just aren't feasible in my life any more, so it's time to make a change.  This is why I find writing down my goals to come in handy.  It's also why I set pretty broad goals at the beginning of January, then I can break them down and alter them a little month by month as necessary.  So here are a few of the goals I've made for 2015.

1. Read through the Bible.
Billy and I read through the Bible together last year, and it really helped us spiritually, so we've started it over again.  We've already found new insights into things we didn't think about before.  Billy teaches the Teen Sunday School Class at our church every other week, and he's already working on a great lesson about Abraham and Egypt.  I can't wait to hear it all!

2. Lose 20 pounds and live healthier.
This is one of my more broad goals that I really like being able to break down month by month, and even week by week.  Twenty pounds seems like a lot, but to say, "I want to lose 4 lbs this month," or "1 lb this week" doesn't seem so hard.  I've joined Team Beachbody and plan to start with the 21 Day Fix to really help me meet this goal.  If you're interested in learning about Beachbody, feel free to leave a comment or contact me and I'd be glad to talk to you about it! When I get my Challenge Pack in a few days I'll write a post telling you all about it.  I'd love it if you'd join me in my journey, or even just cheer me on!

3. Pay off Billy's truck.
This is a big one too.  We are hoping to build on to our house sometime next year, but we really need to pay off all of our other debt first.  We're starting with this one because we think it's the most manageable and can be paid off the fastest.  Then we'll move on to the next one!  We actually don't have a lot of debt, so to pay it off in a year and a half is very doable if we tighten our belts and just do it!

4. Open my Etsy shop.
This is my biggest and most scary goal of the year.  It scares me to even write about it here.  This is a dream of mine that I've wanted for a long time, but have been too afraid to reach for.  What if I fail?  What if I'm not good enough?  What if, what if, what if?  But I've decided to live braver this year, and try things that scare me.  After all, I'll never know if I don't try.  So I'm happy (and terrified!) to announce that my shop Little Blue Machine will be open on Etsy by the end of the month! I'm so excited and will fill you in on the details later, as well as give  you the exact opening day and a preview of some of my products.

5. Read 115 books.
This one is pretty lofty considering all the other things I have in the works, but I'm going to give it a shot!  My 2014 goal was 100 and I surpassed that with 110, so I thought I'd aim a little higher this year.  One of my secrets is audiobooks.  I have a subscription to audible.com and I read at least 12-15 books that way every year. 

6. Live in the moment.
This one is almost funny considering that I'm making plans right now!  As the mom of a one year-old I want to learn to live in each every moment, and not take any for granted.  Already my boy has grown so much in a year, and I don't want to miss anything.  He is more important to me than all the plans I could every make, blog posts I could ever write, books I could read or quilts I could sew.  So, while all my other goals are definitely important to me, being with him and living in every moment is the most important one of all.   

These are my biggest, scariest 2015 Goals.  I have them written down in my new planner (along with several others) and I'll keep you posted through the year as they evolve.  Have you set any big goals that scare you this year?  I'd love to hear what they are!  We can encourage each other!

Looking ahead with excitement,

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