Wednesday, May 4, 2016

2016 Must-Read: The Mother Letters by Amber and Seth Haines

I don’t know if anyone reads the books I recommend here, or doesn’t read them because I don’t recommend them.  I like to think that I influence at least one person’s reading habits just a little.  But this book I’m not only telling you that I think you should read it, but, if you’re a mother, I’m asking you to read it.  If you only read one book that I ever recommend, The Mother Letters is the one.

The Mother Letters is a compilation of letters written by moms, to moms.  There are letters here for moms in every stage of life, and every circumstance imaginable.  There are letters for young moms, struggling to get through the night-feeding and endless diapers stage.  Letters for moms with kids in high school, facing an empty nest soon.  Letters for moms of disabled children, crying when their child can’t be like everyone else, but so proud of each little accomplishment.  Letters for moms who have struggled with infertility, or have lost their precious little one.  There are funny letters and teary letters, long letters and short letters, letters from popular bloggers, letters from women you’ve probably never heard of, and some letters simply from “anonymous.”  The common thread between them all is the thread of encouragement that runs through them.  The message is clear.  You can do this.  You’ll make it through this hard time.  You are a good mom.  Your children love and adore you and need you and only you as their mom.  I cried so many times while I read this.  There are women out there who are facing the same struggles and battles as me, and they have knowledge and wisdom to share.  I’m so happy they were given this opportunity to share it in this way.

Mothers, read this book!  Read it on the days when it’s raining and you’re stuck indoors with two toddlers whining for your attention.  Read a little between your endless loads of laundry.  Read just a few pages at night before you lay down, or with your morning coffee.  Sneak in a few pages while you’re in the school pick-up line.  Just be sure to have a few tissues handy.  I promise when you’re done your heart will feel lighter, and your burden easier.  You’ll still know that this thing called motherhood is hard, but you’ll see even more than ever that it’s also beautiful, and worth every minute.

Happy Reading!


I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my review.  All opinions are my own and a favorable review was not required.  The Mother Letters is on sale now. 

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